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Difference of Tier 1 and Tier 2 land in Earth 2

Earth 2 has recently announced the division of all tiles on their platform into two tiers, Tier 1 and Tier 2 properties. The distinction between the two tiers is based on the benefits and functions each tier is entitled to, with Tier 1 properties being more advantageous and having more benefits than Tier 2 properties.

  1. There are two types of properties in Earth 2: Tier 1 and Tier 2.

  2. Tier 1 properties have essence awaiting claim, bonuses and benefits that can be transferred to players.
  3. The essence distribution commitment by Earth 2 guarantees a minimum allocated amount of essence to Tier 1 property owners, as long as they own the property.

  4. Tier 1 properties can be purchased through a marketplace or upgraded from a Tier 2 property (a future feature).

  5. Tier 2 properties can only be purchased from Earth 2 through a marketplace or player-to-player.

  6. Tier 1 properties have a pricing structure and start at a higher price point than Tier 2 properties.

  7. Tier 1 properties have a higher class system (classes 1 to 5) and guaranteed essence conversion, generation, and jewel spawning, while Tier 2 properties have no class system and unpredictable essence conversion and generation.

  8. Tier 1 properties also have a 7.5% referral code bonus, customizable referral code name, and are eligible for the building cup, while Tier 2 properties have a 5% referral code bonus and generically generated referral code names.

  9. Tier 2 properties are more affordable and have limited attributes, starting at 10 cents.

  10. Tier 2 properties do not have period bonuses, EPL’s, or dual slots, and are not eligible for the building cup.

In order to understand the difference between the two tiers, it is important to know the essence distribution and commitment of Earth 2. The essence distribution is the promise and disclosure of a minimum number of essence original, with Tier 1 property owners entitled to receive it.

As of now, all player-owned properties are classified as Tier 1, while unclaimed land on Earth 2 is classified as Tier 2. The prices of Tier 2 tiles will start at 10 cents and increase in value as more tiles are bought. Tier 2 tiles can be traded in the marketplace, while Tier 1 tiles can be acquired by purchasing from a Tier 1 property owner or upgrading from Tier 2 tiles. However, original Tier 1 tiles assigned by Earth 2 are only obtainable through clear player trading with an original Tier 1 property owner.

In addition to the distinction in purchasing and trading, Tier 1 and Tier 2 tiles are further differentiated by their functions. Tier 1 tiles have guaranteed essence conversion and generation, as well as access to discoverable resources, while Tier 2 tiles have unpredictable conversion and generation and restricted access to resources.

A freeze on the Earth 2 marketplace has been implemented until December 14th to give new Tier 1 property owners the opportunity to withdraw their properties from sale. The current marketplace prices are no longer an accurate reflection of the value of these properties and the freeze will protect all original Tier 1 property owners.

It is highly recommended for players to understand the difference between Tier 1 and Tier 2 properties in order to make informed decisions about their Earth 2 experience. The cost of upgrading from Tier 2 to Tier 1 properties will vary and players are encouraged to take advantage of the freeze on the marketplace to make the best decisions for their properties.

In the article, it is described that the distinction between tier 1 and tier 2 tiles in the game “Earth 2” will have several important implications. Tier 1 tiles will generate more income, have additional bonuses, and have the ability to assign EPLs (Electronic Property Lines), compared to tier 2 tiles. Tier 1 property owners will receive a 7.5% referral bonus code and have access to future benefits in the game and in the metaverse. Additionally, upon publication of the essence distribution agreement, tier 1 property owners will receive 20% of the total promised essence, which can be viewed and claimed in their player profile. However, this promise of essence is only valid as long as they own at least one tier 1 tile and will not regenerate upon transfer of ownership.

Tier 1 generates more Essence distribution

The essence distribution commitment is a guaranteed promise by Earth 2 to provide a minimum amount of essence to tier 1 property owners. This offer is valid as long as the player remains the owner of a tier 1 property. The promise of essence is tied to the original tier 1 tiles owned before the publication of the essence distribution agreement and is not transferable to other players.

Tier 1 benefits are tied to the tiles themselves, not the player. To retain tier 1 privileges and bonuses, a player must be the owner of at least one tier 1 tile. The amount of essence promised by Earth 2 to a tier 1 property owner decreases as the player collects their claimable essence. The essence awaiting claim value will automatically update as the player collects essence.

As we can see, there are significant differences between the two, such as pricing, bonuses, essence distribution, and various attributes. Tier 1 properties are priced higher but come with guaranteed essence generation, higher bonuses, and customizable referral codes. On the other hand, Tier 2 tiles are more affordable with limited attributes and unpredictable essence generation. It’s up to the player to decide which one suits their needs better.

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